DeWandelaar in the Harz © DeWandelaar.Org

2024 Hiking Season

Perhaps see you on the trail!

Long Distance Trails in Germany

Three season, shorter distance thru-hiking in Germany is my favourite mid-year pastime. I use the DeWandelaar website to plan my hikes and share this information and GPX files. The map shows routes I have walked or am planning. Click an icon to see the name and a link to the trail page.

Visit a trail page for accurate route maps.

A view toward the ruins of Burg Are castle and Altenahr from the Rotweinwanderweg
Burg Are and Altenahr © CC BY-SA DeWandelaar.Org


The AhrSteig ascends 3639m and descends 4070m over 108km from Blankenheim to Sinzig.

108 km

3639 m

4070 m

611 m


26 h

A view into the Bode Gorge from the Hexentanzplatz with the Brocken in the distance
Bode Gorge with Brocken © CC BY-SA DeWandelaar.Org


The Harzer-Hexen-Stieg ascends 2647m and descends 2683m over 101km from Osterode am Harz to Thale.

101 km

2647 m

2683 m

1140 m


22 h