Schmidtburg-Ruins © CC BY-SA Naheland-Touristik GmbH


85 km

3036 m

3139 m

654 m

3 - Strenuous

3 of 5

20 h

Soonwaldsteig GPX

Soonwaldsteig Map & Elevation

The Soonwaldsteig officially begins in Kirn and proceeds toward the north-east, ending in Bingen on the Rhine. There are very few opportunities to resupply water along the route.


External websites and resources used to create this page.


Data may vary from other sources. Initial GPX track data sourced from 1. This is modified to include start and end public transport stations, personal experience and compatibility with OpenStreetMap tiles. Minimal decimal degree track point coordinates are used to reduce file size. Website maps and GPX file coordinates may have different decimal accuracy to reduce file sizes and load times. GPX files are to 5 decimal points or better than 1.11m accuracy. Elevation is modified with CC BY 4.0 terrain data provided by Sonny at Elevation gain and loss is calculated by creating a sum of the increase or decrease between each GPX track point. Trail distance takes into account slope between track points. Time in hours is calculated using an average walking speed of 5km/h and takes into account speed changes due to slope.

Open Data

Attributed Open Data and content may be imported from the German National Tourist Board (GNTB), the Open Data Tourism Alliance (ODTA), and other sources under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license. This data and content may be modified. Additional attribution is included in the page schema, viewable using a tool such as the validator. Other data or content on this page is copyright of DeWandelaar or other entities. Please contact DeWandelaar if uncertain about copyright.